From a parent’s perspective, raising a child is very hard and when your child turns into a teenager, monitoring that kid gets even more complicated. In today’s world, parents who raise their kids in cities, are mostly working professionals who are occupied with the stress of their own life and those who live in outer areas or villages, send their kids to cities in hopes that their kid can improve his/her studies are not physically present to monitor their kids.

In situations like these, it’s easy for the bad influence to rub off on your kid. Bad influence is not the only reason, kids can develop stress, lose their health and further lose their will to study and compete. Most of the kids who come from a small town or village are more vulnerable to bad influence because they get overwhelmed by the city’s lifestyle and when you realize that your kid is on a tough break and is mentally coped out, it’s probably too late. At this point, no one can change the kid except for himself and that too needs a very serious dedication and strong will power to overcome.

Coaching institutes can only do as so much as to guide and mentor the student with lectures, study materials, and mock tests. But it is the parent’s job is to monitor the performance of their kid and cheer him accordingly.

What a coaching institute can do is, provide constant updates of the student to their parents. Things like daily attendance report, test results, behavior in class, and overall behavior towards studies via message or notifications in their respected app. All these reports play a very crucial role in guiding that student in a better way.

Kids are like water, the water will instantly acquire the shape of its surrounding surface the moment it is put out of utensils. You cannot force the water to go your way, instead, you have to carefully adjust the surrounding surface to go your way. If the surface is not balanced or loses its balance in the slightest, the water will get splashed out making the whole surrounding unpleasant.