A lot of you when try to hit the books, face the same problem like these – Why did I lose focus again? Why can’t I think straight? Why can’t I concentrate? It’s not even an hour, and my head is aching like crazy!!! What do I do?

Let’s see the reason why, most of us lose focus. It’s because study doesn’t just happen.

Most student live in the illusion that they would just start studying a few weeks before the exams and score the desired marks. When the time comes and you sit to study, you hate it! Can’t find any interest in it, crib about not finding any focus, start thinking about girls, then hate yourself for thinking about girls, hate your friends who are studying, talk to the ones who always score well and then worry because they are way ahead of you, invite stress because the course or syllabus is too large to cover.

You know why all of these things happen because studying doesn’t just happen. It’s a habit. Habits are built over time. Instead of building the habit of studying, you’ve been daily building other habits. And suddenly when you change your routine and demand from your brain to focus on studies, it gets confused. You wonder, why am I thinking about girls when I want to study? Because you’ve been thinking about girls daily! That’s a habit you built over a long period of time which won’t disappear on demand. That’s not how the brain works. It simply does as trained.

Those who say that they study for one night and score well are bullshitting you. There are no tricks, schemes, mind games, but the simple truth of life. Everything comes from hard work. A fact that you’re going to learn years later. So instead of whining over your incompetence, question your insignificance to society and to the world and make studying a regular habit. Start by taking it slow to 25-5 i.e. 25-minute study and 5-minute break, and when you get the hang of it, increase it up to 50-10, then 2-hour study and a 30-minute break. This will build a habit of studying and increase your consistency to concentrate more on what you want to study