JEE is an exam that many students dream of cracking, as it can lead them to IITs or top NITs, which are highly regarded in society. It can also open up opportunities for them to work with global tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Samsung, Apple, etc. or join prestigious space or research agencies like NASA, ISRO or others.

These organizations offer unparalleled luxury and opportunity that attract many students like honey attracts flies. However, life does not become easy after qualifying for the Joint Entrance Exam or JEE, rather it becomes harder from then on. But still, these IITs and NITs provide a platform for building a successful future.

Every year, more than 10 lakh students apply for JEE Mains, and the number is even higher if other Engineering entrance exams are included. Out of these 10 lakh students, only about 2 lakh students are selected to appear in JEE Advance, and only 30,000 students clear the JEE Advance. But not everyone who clears these exams gets admission to IITs or top NITs, rather 65 – 70% are kept in reserve in case the rest of them do not enroll. This is the irony, even if you qualify based on the percentile, it may not be enough to get you admission. So what does that mean, are the students who are in reserve worthless? No, certainly not. In fact, they could have performed as well as anyone who made it. But the harsh reality is that, this is a cut-throat competition and if you want to be considered, then you have to be at the top because the seats are limited. In other words, qualifying is not enough, rather you have to excel if you want to make it.

So, here are some tips regarding on how to prepare

Tip 1. Sitting planning for 2 – 3 hours

You have to train your mind and body to sit for longer durations, like 2 – 3 hours straight without losing concentration. This won’t happen in just a day, increase your consistency slowly and steadily.

Tip 2 – Problem solving should be in time bound manner

Keep a watch beside you, when you practice problems and numerical and set a time frame for each and every type of question, and try to solve it in a due time

Tip 3 – Improve your reading speed

Not every question will be short and crispy, a lot of them would be lengthy, and reading them would be time-consuming, and you’ve to read every word carefully before you rush in, to solve it. So improving reading speed is a must.

Tip 4 – Solve previous year papers and attempt mock test papers

These two are a successful mantra of qualifying for every exam in the world if you are willing to do it. Remember that solving problems from your respected subject book is simply not enough. Join a premium mock test series from major coachings or stay true to what your respective coaching is providing.

Tip 5 – Always analyze silly mistakes after a test attempt

Correction of mistakes is necessary, but correction of silly mistakes like reading questions half hazard, making silly calculation errors, wasting too much time on a single question, is more important.

Tip 6 – Do not overdo any chapter

Focusing on your strength is important, but you should cover every topic to a minimum level because you’ll be screwed as this exam doesn’t give preference to a single part of the subject

Tip 7 – Daily doubt listing

Prepare a separate textbook for listing your doubts and try to resolve them and in that textbook, make a note on why it happened and how did you resolve it.

Tip 8 – Preparing short notes

Make your own self and short, customized and crispy notes for yourself. Your notes should be for yourself not for sharing with others.

Tip 9 – Follow a definite study pattern

Make a time table, and follow it religiously. Remember that your daily habits should be complementary to the table not the other way around and if you’ve trouble following your timetable then make two separate records on how much time you spent on studying vs. how much time you spent on other activities and compare those two for a week. You’ll automatically start adjusting to your pre decided study pattern.

Tip 10 – Revision

I cannot emphasize how important revision is, rather let’s take an example – studying is like simply pouring oil into your hairs, which will make your hair shine for a short time but revision is like rubbing that oil throughout the skull and letting it penetrate deep into the roots, which will nourish your hair and make them healthy, shiny and silky for a longer period of time.

These are some tips that you should cater, to make your preparation go more smoothly.

But despite all that, friends you should always remember that not clearing JEE doesn’t make you a lesser person. Hard work will always pay off, if not today then perhaps tomorrow, if not in one form than another. Try to give your best and if your best is not enough then make yourself the best.

The luxury and opportunity that these organizations offer is unparallel to any of others in the world. Something, to which many of the students are attracted like flies to the honey. However life isn’t actually so simple after you qualified for the Joint Entrance Exam or JEE, rather it only gets tougher from there onwards but still, what these IITs and NIT’s offer is a platform for making a prosperous future.

On average more than 10 lack students apply for JEE Mains every year and stats are even much higher if you include other Engineering entrance exams. Out of these 10 lack students, almost 2 lack students get selected to appear in JEE Advance, to which 30,000 students clear the JEE Advance. But not everyone who cleared these exams gets enrolled into IITs or top NIT’s rather 65 – 70% sits in reserve as a follow-up in case if the rest of them didn’t choose to be enrolled as such.

Look at the irony, even if you qualify according to the percentile basis, it still won’t be enough to get you enrolled. So what happened, do the students who came in reserve are worthless, No definitely not. In fact, they would have produced the same result as anyone who made it. But the harsh reality is that, this is a ruthless competition and if you wish to be considered, then you have to come to the top because the seats are limited. In other words, qualifying is not enough rather you have to ace it if you wanna make it.

So, here are some tips regarding on how to prepare

Tip 1. Sitting planning for 2 – 3 hours

You have to train your mind and body to sit for longer durations, like 2 – 3 hours straight without losing concentration. This won’t happen in just a day, increase your consistency slowly and steadily.

Tip 2 – Problem solving should be in time bound manner

Keep a watch beside you, when you practice problems and numerical and set a time frame for each and every type of question and try to solve it in a due time

Tip 3 – Improve your reading speed

Not every question will be short and crispy, a lot of them would be lengthy, and reading them would be time-consuming, and you’ve to read every word carefully before you rush in, to solve it. So improving reading speed is a must.

Tip 4 – Solve previous year papers and attempt mock test papers

These two are a successful mantra of qualifying every exam in the world if you are willing to do it. Remember that solving problems from your respected subject book is simply not enough. Join a premium mock test series from major coachings or stay true to what your respective coaching is providing.

Tip 5 – Always analyze silly mistakes after a test attempt

Correction of mistakes is necessary, but correction of silly mistakes like reading questions half hazard, making silly calculation errors, wasting too much time on a single question, is more important.

Tip 6 – Do not overdo any chapter

Focusing on your strength is important, but you should cover every topic to a minimum level because you’ll be screwed as this exam doesn’t give preference to a single part of the subject

Tip 7 – Daily doubt listing

Prepare a separate textbook for listing your doubts and try to resolve them and in that textbook, make a note on why it happened and how did you resolve it.

Tip 8 – Preparing short notes

Make your own self and short, customized and crispy notes for yourself. Your notes should be for yourself not for sharing with others.

Tip 9 – Follow a definite study pattern

Make a time table, and follow it religiously. Remember that your daily habits should be complementary to the table not the other way around and if you’ve trouble following your timetable then make two separate records on how much time you spent on studying vs. how much time you spent on other activities and compare those two for a week. You’ll automatically start adjusting to your pre decided study pattern.

Tip 10 – Revision

I cannot emphasize how important revision is, rather let’s take an example – studying is like simply pouring oil into your hairs, which will make your hair shine for a short time but revision is like rubbing that oil throughout the skull and letting it penetrate deep into the roots, which will nourish your hair and make them healthy, shiny and silky for a longer period of time.

These are some tips that you should follow, to make your preparation more effective and smooth.

But no matter what, friends you should never forget that not clearing JEE does not define your worth. Hard work will always be rewarded, if not now then maybe later, if not in this way then in another. Try to do your best and if your best is not sufficient then improve yourself to the best.